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Apple iPad, Day 7: Social Networking on the iPad

30 Days With the iPad: Day 7

While some may debate the business purpose or value of social networking, it is a staple of my work day. I use social networks to stay on top of trends and breaking news, and I use social networks to share with others when I find interesting news or write posts of my own. Since I rely on social networks, one of the litmus tests for this 30 Days With the iPad project is to ensure the Apple tablet can meet my social networking needs.

I have built social networks on Facebook–both personal and a Facebook Page–LinkedIn, and Twitter. Unfortunately, of those three Twitter is the only one with an actual iPad app, and my preferred tool for working with Twitter on my PC–which is available for the iPhone–is also not available in an iPad version. I can tolerate using an iPhone app in standard size in limited doses, but I abhor expanding iPhone apps to fit the iPad display–it’s pixelated and looks like crap.

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