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Dell Gains In Lackluster Server Market

At face value, the global server market slumped in the second quarter of 2012, according to IDC’s newest Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker. Factory revenue fell for the third consecutive quarter, totaling $ 12.6 billion, a 4.8% year-over-year decline. Unit shipments were also off for the first time in almost three years, dropping 3.6%. Among major vendors, only Dell appears to have bucked the downward trend. Nevertheless, a closer look at the data suggests matters are less grim than they appear.

IDC research manager Jed Scaramella said in a phone interview that declines were foreseeable because 2011 set a challenging year-over-year benchmark. Previous market growth, he said, has cooled because many of the companies that were recently purchasing servers are now in the middle of refresh cycles.
Network Computing

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