Google was once a humble startup with a big dream—to be the David that takes down Microsoft’s Goliath. Google has become a tech force to be reckoned with, challenging Microsoft in almost every area including Web search, browsers, email, operating systems, productivity software and mobile platforms. Over time, it has chipped away at Microsoft’s market share.
Microsoft is great at many things, but over the years marketing has not been one of its strengths. Microsoft has also been a victim of hubris, ignoring threats to its products because it believes its dominance is untouchable. Lately, though, Microsoft has been campaigning more aggressively against Google to protect its market share.

Microsoft’s marketing playbook
At times, saying nothing or saying too little, too late has done more damage for Microsoft than a poor marketing campaign. Windows Vista had its issues out of the gate, but overall it was a solid operating system with unique benefits. However, Microsoft let its rivals—primarily Apple—control the messaging. The narrative that brainwashed the general population is that Vista was a failure, and Windows PCs aren’t cool.
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