Are you buying a new 7-inch tablet this holiday season, or hoping to receive one as a gift? Last year the original Kindle Fire sparked the success of the smaller tablet segment. This year there are a number of solid 7-inch tablet options, which is a good thing, but also means you have to weigh your options before choosing one.
The Kindle Fire is new and improved with the Kindle Fire HD, Barnes and Noble has stepped up its game with the Nook HD to go head to head with Kindle Fire, and Google and Apple have both entered the 7-inch tablet fray. Each has its pros and cons.
FixYa, a site with an online community for mobile device issues, has released a report detailing the most common complaints of the leading 7-inch tablets. The report aggregates data from thousands of technical support and troubleshooting inquiries from the FixYa site and its iOS mobile app.

Let’s start with the Kindle Fire HD. The Kindle Fire rode the credibility of the Kindle brand, and a bargain price compared to other tablets to huge success last year. The Kindle Fire HD includes a number of improvements and enhancements over its predecessor, but nearly a third of the complaints about the device revolve around the ads displayed on the lock screen. A quarter of users also report issues with slow multitasking.
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