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Windows Phone 7, Day 25: Conserving Battery Power with “Mango”

30 Days With Windows Phone 7: Day 25

One thing I never worried about with my iPhone was the battery. I charge my smartphone every night while I am sleeping, and my iPhone always made it through the day without me giving it a second thought. With Windows Phone 7–not so much. For today’s 30 Days With Windows Phone 7 post I am going to check out ways to squeeze every last ounce of juice out of this “Mango”.

30 Days With Windows Phone 7As awesome as “Mango” is, it won’t do much good with a dead battery.I always appreciate the novelty of things like moving desktop images and Live Tiles for about five minutes. Then it’s no longer exciting and it’s just extra processing for my PC or device–extra processing that consumes battery power.

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