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Amazon Outage Leaves Latency Mystery

The outage that beset’s retail home page lasted longer than some observers first believed. Reports have put the outage variously at 15 minutes, 25 minutes or “just under a half an hour,” as Forbes reported soon after the incident.

But in fact, it lasted 49 minutes, according to a monitoring service at Compuware, the owner of CloudSleuth cloud service monitoring and the Gomez Web application performance monitoring system, now part of the Compuware APM service. Despite inquiries, spokesmen have remained silent on the cause of the incident Monday and its duration. News reports have been sketchy.

Compuware staff double checked the Monday incident that saw home page going dark with customers getting an “Oops” message around noon Pacific time and not becoming available again until 49 minutes later. Only North American users appear to have lost service. Europe and other parts of the world were unaffected, contrary to an earlier report.

Network Computing

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