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Clear Access Control List (ACL) Counters in Cisco IOS

When troubleshooting a problem with Access Control lists, one of the things you would want to do is to clear the counters on the ACL matches.

In Cisco IOS, you can clear the ACL Matches counters as follows:


Clear Counters on All ACLs

ciscorouter# clear access-list counters

This clears the matches on all the ACLs on the cisco router or switch.

Clear Counters on Specific ACLs

ciscorouter# clear access-list counters 60

In this, we clear the matches on the ACL number 60. You can also use the name of the ACL instead of ACL number.

To verify the counters are cleared,

ciscorouters# show access-lists

This should show the access-list with the counters cleared on the ACL(s)

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