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Day 12: VPN Success, Finally!

30 Days With Ubuntu Linux: Day 12

We’ll call this Day 12.5 of 30 Days With Ubuntu Linux. It took me a while, but the good news is that I now have VPN connectivity with PCWorld so I can just write in LibreOffice Writer and post straight from Ubuntu Linux. Getting there was less than intuitive, and quite frustrating, though.

I want to reiterate something for the many commenters who seemed incredulous that I would try to get the actual Cisco AnyConnect client for Linux, and couldn’t understand why I didn’t just search for “VPN” in the Ubuntu Software Center. I know that it is the Cisco AnyConnect client that I use in Windows. I was not aware that you could just use any random open source VPN client to connect with the Cisco VPN, so there is nothing intuitive about that solution.

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