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Google+, Day 22: Taming the Google+ Stream

30 Days With Google+: Day 22

As the number of people I am following on Google+ grows, following the flow of posts in the main Stream can get overwhelming. Today’s 30 Days With Google+ post takes a look at some tips for filtering the posts and keeping things under control on Google+.

Just during the time I have been using Google+, Google has made some major improvements to the way posts and comments flow. One of the issues I noted early on is that a post would show the name of everyone who +1′d or shared it. If there are four or five it may not be a problem, but a popular post–like one of the photos posted by Google co-founder Sergey Brin–can have thousands of +1s and hundreds of shares. I would have to scroll and scroll just to get to the comments on the post, never mind any posts beneath it.

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