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Amazon WorkSpaces Speeds The PC’s Demise

The company’s new desktop virtualization service could prove a gateway to a post-PC, mobile, and cloud-centric future.
Network Computing

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Purple WiFi lets businesses trade free wireless for valuable customer data

Thanks to McDonald’s and Starbucks, free wireless networking is available every 200 yards or so, at least in metropolitan areas of the United States. Still, many merchants—especially smaller “mom & pop” establishments—don’t provide the service. Purple WiFi has a business model that can help these businesses offer free Wi-Fi, and seems like a win-win for both the business and the customers.

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NSA Leaks Bolster IETF Work On Internet Security

Ongoing efforts to beef up the security of the Internet’s underlying protocols may have gotten a major boost, thanks to the National Security Agency (NSA).

Officials from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) today said last week’s plenary meeting of the body charged with developing protocols for the Net was dominated with talk of better securing the Internet to thwart wide-scale surveillance akin to those programs leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

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Open Compute Project Considers Switch Specs

Facebook-led effort to develop an open, operating-system agnostic switch makes progress with contributions from Broadcom, Intel, Mellanox, and Cumulus Networks.

Network Computing

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Firewall Administration For Sysadmins Part 3: Application Planning

Security teams are often left out of application planning, but should be involved in projects from the start for the best results.
Network Computing

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Amazon Launches ‘WorkSpaces’ For Desktop Users

Amazon Web Services announced Wednesday that it is entering the desktop virtualization market and will offer Amazon WorkSpaces — Windows-based desktops — from its cloud servers. Amazon Workspaces were introduced during a keynote talk by Andy Jassy, senior VP, at Re:Invent, AWS’ annual event for around 9,000 developers, partners, and customers in Las Vegas.

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Firewall Administration For Sysadmins Part 2: Key Concepts

Understanding firewall architectures, how firewalls track the state of traffic flow, and why directionality matters will help sysadmins work better with the network security team.
Network Computing

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Women in IT: Suffer Silently Or Be The Bitch?

Do we need anti-harassment policies to protect women and other minorities in IT? Unfortunately, yes. But the most successful STEM women are those who ignore their detractors and risk being labeled a “bitch,” confronting challenges head-on.
Network Computing

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From Event Gatherers To Network Hunters

When David Bianco examined a company’s Web browsing logs, it did not take long for a pattern to appear.

At regular periods, nearly a dozen systems across the network would all request data from the same Web page. Because the company, who Bianco declined to name, captured network data, additional analysis revealed that all of the suspicious systems downloaded small binaries. By running those executables in a virtual machine, Bianco, a network hunter, was able to identify the cause of the problem — an attacker using specialized malware.

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VMware, EMC’s Pivotal Launches Cloud App Development Platform

Pivotal, the spinoff from VMware and EMC, has issued its Pivotal One Platform, an integrated assembly of open source software for building next-generation cloud applications.

Its cornerstone is Cloud Foundry, an open source, platform-as-a-service available in the cloud on top of Amazon Web Services and now in a downloadable, supported version in Pivotal One. In addition to a multilanguage development environment (Node.js, Ruby, Java, .Net), the platform comes with four services that might be considered the basics of future large-scale applications: Hadoop big data handling, an analytics service, messaging, and a relational database service.

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