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Security in 2013: The rise of mobile malware and fall of hacktivism

It’s always fun this time of year to look back on the year we’re about to leave behind, and to make some predictions about what we might expect the year ahead to look like. We already have a comprehensive look back at the biggest security stories of 2012, and now here’s a look at some trends to watch for 2013.

These prognostications come from McAfee—the respected information security and antimalware company, not its international man of mystery founder. McAfee is one of the companies with a global presence and the skills and knowledge required to distill evolving trends and determine where things are headed.

McAfee shares some security
predictions for 2013.

For starters, McAfee believes that mobile malware will both evolve in technique and grow in volumeby leaps and bounds in 2013. The explosion of mobile devices—iPhones, iPads, Android smartphones and tablets, etc.—have driven malware developers to expand their horizons and focus on new, fertile ground.

The attackers seem to have an advantage here. Malware developers can apply the lessons learned from years of evolving exploits against PCs to target the weaknesses of mobile devices, but users seem to be oblivious to the threat and feel like mobile devices are somehow just inherently secure.

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